The Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF), known for its Nandini dairy brand, has secured a sponsorship deal with Cricket Scotland, the governing body of cricket in Scotland, and Cricket Ireland, the cricket governing body in Ireland, for the upcoming ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2024.
The brand’s logo will prominently be displayed on the leading arm of the jerseys of Scotland and Ireland players throughout the tournament.
Nandani plans to leverage the upcoming World Cup’s extensive reach to launch “Nandini Splash,” a whey-based energy drink, in the US market. This move suggests a potential foray into the lucrative American market, expanding Nandini’s reach beyond its regional base.
KMF, Managing Director, MK Jagadish, said, “The Nandini logo will come on the lead arm jersey (i.e., right arm for left-handed batsmen and left arm for right-handed batters) of Scotland and Ireland. The two teams will be involved in our advertisements, social media campaigns, photo shoots, and endorsing our products, which we will air during the tournament. This will be a proud moment for everyone in Karnataka.
“KMF has a presence in international markets, including the Middle East, Singapore, Bhutan, and Myanmar, with some frozen sweets also making their way to the US.”
As per reports, KMF spent INR 2 – 2.5 cr to sponsor each team.
The Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) is a major dairy cooperative in India. Founded in 1974, it empowers over 26.44 lakh milk producers in Karnataka by providing a market for their milk and promoting dairy development. Known for its Nandini brand of dairy products like milk, curd, and ghee, KMF plays a key role in bringing quality milk products to consumers while ensuring fair returns for farmers.