The Indian apex cricket governing entity, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has released an Invitation to Tender (ITT) for the title sponsor rights of the Indian Premier League (IPL) seasons 2024-2028.
For the upcoming five editions, the Governing Council of the IPL is inviting bids from reputable companies to obtain the title sponsor rights.
The ITT document contains the specific terms and conditions regulating the tender process, such as the criteria for eligibility, the procedure for submitting bids, rights and obligations, etc. It will be made available upon payment of a non-refundable fee of INR 5,00,000 plus any necessary GST.
This notice’s Annexure A lists the steps involved in obtaining the ITT materials. Purchases of the ITT will be accepted until January 8, 2024. As per the protocol outlined in Annexure A, interested parties are asked to email with the payment information for the acquisition of the ITT. It is further made clear by the BCCI that access to the ITT documents will only be granted following verification of the non-refundable ITT fee payment.
Any interested party must purchase the ITT to place a bid. Only those who meet the eligibility requirements outlined in the ITT, as well as any additional terms and conditions included therein, will be permitted to submit a bid. However, just acquiring the ITT alone does not grant the right to place a bid.
Furthermore, Annexure B draws the interested parties’ attention to specific brand categories wherein they are not permitted to bid. It is further communicated to the interested parties that Tata Group can exercise its ‘Right to Match’ (RTM) against the highest bid made by the parties. Lastly, Annexure C contains the RTM’s specifics.