Disney Star, the official broadcaster of the Indian Premier League (IPL), has garnered a total of 44.8 crore viewers in the first 22 days (26 matches) of IPL 2024, as per Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC) India figures.
Additionally, Disney Star has amassed 18,800 crore minutes of cumulative viewing time.
With match ratings (TVR) up 15%, the live broadcast’s cumulative reach has increased by 8% from the previous season.
A total of 14.75 crore people watched the Mumbai Indians (MI) vs Royal Challengers Bengaluru (RCB) match on television, accounting for 1,017 crore minutes of IPL broadcast on the Disney Star Network. The game saw the home team defeat RCB by seven wickets at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai.
As the ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2024 approaches, the current IPL provides an excellent chance for spectators and India’s team selectors to thoroughly examine players’ performances.