
Classic Builders becomes Plymouth Argyle FC’s front-of-shirt sponsor for new season

Classic Builders is aware of the significance of Plymouth Argyle FC to the neighbourhood and will take advantage of the partnership to give back to Plymouth and the surrounding areas.

The EFL Championship team, Plymouth Argyle FC have developed a sponsorship agreement with the Plymouth-based construction company, Classic Builders.

As part of the deal, Classic Builders has become Argyle’s new front-of-shirt sponsor for the 2024–25 season.

Classic Builders is a highly esteemed and reputable construction company that works all across the South West.

The company, which is comprised of Argyle supporters, is aware of the significance of the unit to the neighbourhood and will take advantage of the partnership to give back to Plymouth and the surrounding areas.

With the Argyle Community Trust, Classic Builders will collaborate on two major projects: a cancer recovery initiative and a children’s disabilities sport. On a particularly special home match day, it will also provide St. Luke’s Hospice the jersey sponsorship.

Argyle Head of Commercial, Sam Greenfield, said, “We are delighted to be working alongside such a well-established business in the South West for what should be another exciting season. Classic Builders have not only given a substantial sum to become front of shirt sponsors, but they are also keen to use the partnership to give back to the local community who have supported their business for many years.

“Ultimately, Classic Builders are an organisation whose business ideals align with ours at Argyle and as passionate fans they are extremely excited to be sponsoring the famous Argyle shirt. I am looking forward to working with them closely over the duration of the partnership and thank them for their support of the club.”

Fred Bennetton, Classic Builders Director, said, “We’re delighted to announce our sponsorship of Plymouth Argyle. As a local business, we take great pride in collaborating with those around us and exploring ways we can work with nearby communities. Argyle’s dedication to developing local talent, supporting young people, and putting Plymouth on the map aligns perfectly with Classic Builders. We’ve been bringing family, friends, and clients to Home Park for years. To now see our name on the front of the home shirt is a dream come true.”

Adam Brimacombe, fellow Director of Classic Builders, said, “From day one of our talks with Argyle we were impressed by the entire club’s approach. The sense of ambition, professionalism and dedication is truly inspiring. From breaking down social barriers through its Project 35 initiative, to its commitment to creating a positive legacy for Plymouth, we’re very proud to sponsor such an inclusive and driven team. We have many happy memories of coming to Home Park and watching our home team play.

“However, today tops them all as we become part of the club’s rich history. The club has ambitious plans with a real focus on community and collaboration. We’re looking forward to sharing that journey with them and cheering the team on in the upcoming season.”

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