The Indian cricket team’s fast bowler, Jasprit Bumrah has featured in a new action-packed advertisement campaign ‘Toofan’ launched by the Coca-Cola sub-brand, Thums Up. The advertisement capitalises on the brand’s distinct association with its strong taste and experience.
Bumrah reverses the bottle of Thums Up at the end of its latest campaign, which corresponds with its recent #PalatDe and #TaanePalatDe campaigns at the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympic Games 2020, as well as its strong association with sports.
Tish Condeno, Senior Category Director Sparkling Flavours, Coca-Cola India and Southwest Asia, said, “Thums Up has always been a loved beverage by our consumers for its strong taste and experience, which has been the core differentiator in the category. In continuity with our partnership with the Toofan of our Indian Cricket Team – Jasprit Bumrah who is known for his pace, strength and resilient attitude on the field, this new campaign offers a strong execution idea – ‘Soft Drink Nahi, Toofan”.
Speaking about its strong partnership with Thums Up, India’s fast bowler, Jasprit Bumrah said, “I am thrilled to partner with a brand like Thums Up which echoes my personal philosophy to a great extent. The brand is always experimenting with newer ways of communicating with its consumers in a bold fashion which resonates with me. I feel that the new Toofan campaign encourages taking on every challenge with a growth mindset and bold approach while reinforcing a ‘never give up attitude.”
Commenting on the campaign, Sukesh Nayak, Chief Creative Officer, Ogilvy India, commented, “The big idea to land strong drink for me is the repositioning of the commonly used word ‘soft drink’. An iconic brand like Thums Up which stands for the ‘never give up attitude’ deserved a separate word to be called out as, hence, ‘soft drink nahi toofan’. From the day we thought of this idea, we all knew that this can be huge and we were thrilled to see all our partners react with the same excitement when they heard about the core thought. A big shout out to my team and Bob, who have truly brought this idea to life with an execution that is bold and powerful. This is a big idea and Jasprit is the first part of it, so watch out for some more toofani action coming soon.”
Ritu Sharda, Chief Creative Officer, Ogilvy India (North), said, “Thums Up is such a loved brand. And if you love Thums Up, you know it’s anything but ‘soft’. Seeing Thums Up sit in the ‘soft drink’ category just felt wrong. So with this work, we’ve taken the opportunity to correct that. And turn some perceptions upside down. ‘Soft drink Nahin, Toofaaaaaan’: in a category of its own, that’s Thums Up!! And co-creating this with our partners at Coca-Cola and Good Morning Films has been nothing less than an awesome Toofan.”
The Coca-Cola company has a long history of sponsoring major sporting events and collaborating with the world’s best athletes. These associations highlight the company’s philosophy of attempting to be a part of its customers’ happy moments and occasions.