The Infosys Foundation has inaugurated a new sports complex called “Infosys Foundation Park”, located at Adugodi City Armed Reserve (South) in Bengaluru. The facilities that will be included in this sports park are a multi-purpose volleyball and basketball court, which are made in 5,928 sq. ft.
Adding to it, the sports park will also include a multi-purpose football and badminton court in 4,000 sq. ft, a children’s play area of 1,500 sq. ft, and lastly a skating rink area of 1,547 sq. ft.
Infosys Foundation supporting the construction of this sports park believes that more than 7,000 people should be using the facilities of the new sports complex.
The stone laying ceremony was done by Shri Aaraga Jnanendra, Home Minister of Karnataka. While the chairperson of Infosys Foundation, Mrs. Sudha Murty was the chief guest at the event. Shri Kamal Pant, Police Commissioner, Bengaluru, and Shri Sunil Dhareshwar, Trustee, Infosys Foundation were also present at the event.
Infosys Foundation was established back in 1996 and it is a non-profit organisation, which is based in Karnataka, India. The foundation’s main aim is to support the underprivileged section of the society and has different programs in the areas of education, rural development, healthcare, arts and culture, and destitute care.
The foundation is solely funded by Infosys as no external donations or charity is expected, and it is headed by Sudha Murty.