The Tamil Nadu Premier League (TNPL) side, iDream Tiruppur Tamizhans have announced a new sponsorship deal with a Tamil news channel, News7 Tamil. Following this deal, the news channel has been labelled as an associate sponsor for season six of TNPL.
News7 Tamil is an Indian Tamil media outlet based in Chennai. It is owned by the VV Group of Tamil Nadu. News7 Tamil Television debuted on October 19, 2014. The channel provides news, discussion, documentary, and informational programming.
The announcement was made on the TNPL team’s social media platform. The post said, “Trusted news channel @news7tamil is back with our team! Grateful for the continued support 😊”
The M. Mohammed-led side has also roped in iDream Properties, iDream Cinema, Poorvika and Sportasy as associate sponsors for TNPL season six.
The Tiruppur-based team has tried and failed numerous times over the years to win its maiden TNPL trophy. Last year, the team only won two games and finished last.
The team will look for a positive start to season six when they face Ruby Trichy Warriors tonight i.e. June 27.