One of the renowned Indian private life insurance entities, Ageas Federal Life Insurance, has released a new campaign named ‘Dreams’ with its brand ambassador, Sachin Tendulkar.
Through this ad campaign, the insurance company aims to encourage parents to understand their child’s unique dreams and motivates them to support these dreams in multiple important stages of life.
The recently revealed campaign is digital-led and was conceptualized and created in collaboration with VMLY&R India.
In the film, a young boy is seen carrying the physical form of his dreams. The dream can only be witnessed by him until he meets Tendulkar, who tells him that even he can see the dream as he also once aspired of being different things.
The campaign brought the young kid’s dream to life through various animation techniques and VFX, which portrays a child’s point of view along with conveying a message to the parents.
Commenting on the campaign, Karthik Raman, Chief Marketing Officer, Ageas Federal Life Insurance said, “Our organisational purpose is to empower people to live the life and lifestyle of their choice. As an insurance brand, we want to break the cycle of fear that parents tend to have about their child’s future. We want to empower parents with the tools and information to make the right financial decisions that will benefit their kids. Our latest campaign is a unique approach to take as an insurance company because it tells a heartfelt story of a young hopeful child and his vivid yet evolving dream.
“As kids grow up, their dreams keep changing. Even our legendary Master Blaster, Sachin Tendulkar had different dreams while growing up. Sometimes, he even dreamt of becoming a tennis player. The fact that a child’s dream keeps evolving is what makes financial planning even more crucial to navigate tough economic times and unforeseen circumstances.”